Blue Heaven | You contain both the skies and the hell

Whether your life feels like heaven or hell is a personal thing that can be different for each person. But here are some things to think about that can help you figure out how good your life is:
Overall happiness: Check how happy and satisfied you are with your life as a whole. Do you usually feel satisfied, happy, and at peace, or do you often feel unfulfilled, unhappy, and at war with yourself?
The state of your emotions: Think about how you're feeling. Do bad feelings like anger, fear, sadness, and anxiety take over your life a lot? Or do you feel mostly good things like happiness, love, gratitude, and peace?
Relationships: Look at how good your relationships are. Do you have healthy, helpful, and satisfying relationships with other people? Do you trust, respect, and care about the people in your life? Or do you often deal with conflict, negativity, and feelings of being alone or alone?
Life's purpose and meaning: Think about whether or not your life has a sense of purpose and meaning. Do you feel like your life has more meaning and that your values and interests are in line with who you are? Or do you feel like you have no goals and no sense of where you are going?
Personal growth and happiness: Think about how much you do to improve yourself and grow as a person. Do you feel like you're making progress in different parts of your life, like work, school, hobbies, and personal growth? Or do you feel stuck, unfulfilled, and unmotivated in a routine that you don't like?
Inner peace and harmony: Think about how much peace and harmony you have inside. Do you have a sense of calm, balance, and acceptance even when things are hard? Or do you often feel overloaded, stressed, and restless?
Life is a journey with ups and downs, and that's how it should be. If you are having trouble and need help, you should talk to trusted friends, family, or professionals. In the end, making a life that feels like heaven is a deeply personal and ongoing process of self-discovery, self-care, and aligning with your true values and desires.
What is Blue Heaven
"Blue heaven" is not a phrase or idea that is often used in Christian theology. In Christianity, heaven is usually thought of as a spiritual realm or state of being where Christians are with God and have eternal joy and fellowship with Him.
In Christian teachings, the colour blue itself has no special theological meaning when it comes to heaven. However, blue is sometimes used as a symbol of heavenly things like peace, tranquilly, or divine beauty in art and poetry.
It's important to remember that Christian theology mostly talks about what heaven is, not what colours it has. In Christian teachings, heaven is often talked about in metaphors or symbols. This is done to show how indescribable and beyond words the divine realm is.
So, the phrase "blue heaven" may bring up certain images or feelings, but it is not a common or well-known idea in Christian theology.
From Christendom's point of view
Christendom is the time and place in history and culture when Christianity was the most popular religion and had an effect on politics, law, art, and education, among other things. It's important to keep in mind that Christendom includes a wide range of Christian views, interpretations, and groups. So, "Christendom's point of view" on all things is not a single, unified idea. But I can give you a general idea of some common points of view in Christendom:
What people think about Jesus: Christendom believes that Jesus Christ is the most important person and the Son of God who came to Earth to save people through his life, death, and resurrection. People see him as the saviour and the only way to be saved.
Scripture's Authority: Christians believe that the Bible is the most important word of God. It is seen as a holy book that teaches people about their faith, morals, and spiritual beliefs.
Salvation and Grace: Most Christians believe that they can be saved by having faith in Jesus Christ and by God's grace. It talks about how important it is to apologise, forgive, and live a good life according to Christian teachings.
Church and Sacraments: In Christendom, the Church is important because it is a group of believers and a place where spiritual guidance is kept. People believe that sacraments, like baptism and the Eucharist (also called Holy Communion), are important rituals that show and share God's grace.
Moral and Ethical Standards: Based on what the Bible says, Christendom upholds a set of moral and ethical standards. Most of the time, these values include things like love, kindness, fairness, humility, honesty, and respect for human life and dignity.
Eschatology: Eschatology is the study of the end times and the second coming of Christ. Christians have different ideas about these things. Some people see these things as happening right now, while others see them as things that will happen in the future.
It's important to realise that there are different denominations and theological views within Christendom that may have different ideas about certain doctrines and practices. The above points give a general idea of what Christians believe, but they should not be taken as a complete list of everything Christians believe.
God doesn't want you to go to hell and die there
In Christian theology, most people believe that God wants everyone to be saved and live forever and that He doesn't want anyone to spend eternity away from Him in hell. This belief comes from Bible verses like 2 Peter 3:9, which says, "The Lord is not slow to keep his promise, as some people think of slowness." Instead, he is patient with you because he doesn't want anyone to die but wants everyone to turn back to God.
One of the most important parts of Christian teaching is the idea that God loves and cares for people and wants them to be saved. Christians believe that God sent Jesus Christ to show His love and grace. Those who put their faith in Him can be saved and have the chance to live forever. People believe that if they repent, have faith, and accept what Jesus did for them, they can be reconciled with God and be saved instead of being separated from Him forever in hell.
But it's important to keep in mind that different Christian denominations and theological views may have different ideas about salvation, hell, and how exactly God wants salvation to happen. Also, when theologians and scholars talk about topics like hell, they often get into complicated debates and have different points of view.
People's ideas about what God wants and how he feels about salvation and hell come from their own faith and how they interpret religious texts.
It's easy to be saved:
Different Christian groups and theologians may have different ideas about how to get saved and how easy or hard it is to do so. But most Christians believe that salvation is possible because of God's grace and is available to anyone who really wants it.
Many Christian teachings say that salvation is a free gift from God, not a reward for good behaviour or work. People think that God saves people because He loves and cares for them, and they can get salvation by believing in Jesus Christ. Most of the time, this means admitting that you need forgiveness, turning away from your sin, and putting your trust in Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
From this point of view, the path to salvation seems open to anyone who really wants to find God and have a relationship with Him. It is not based on hard-to-follow rules or complicated rituals, but on a personal connection with God.
But it's important to keep in mind that even though salvation may seem like a free gift, becoming a disciple and following Jesus' teachings can take commitment, self-reflection, and personal growth. Different Christians may have different ideas about how important good works, sacraments, and staying true to God are in a believer's life.
Christians get saved and how they live their lives can be different, and different people may have different ideas about what it means to be saved. It is always best to get advice from your own faith community and study religious texts to learn about the specific teachings and beliefs of a particular Christian tradition.
Take away
The concept of vibrational recurrence is shown in the following image. Vibrational recurrence says that the way we think, feel, and act sends out vibrations or energies that bring more of the same into our lives. It means that what we attract and experience is directly related to the energy we put out into the world through our thoughts and actions.
The most important thing to learn from this idea is that we have the power to change our lives and the way things turn out. By choosing to think, feel, and act in a positive way, we can align ourselves with higher vibrational frequencies and draw more positive experiences, relationships, and opportunities to us. In the same way, if we consistently send out low-vibrational or negative energies, we may bring more bad things into our lives.
This helps us realise that we are in charge of our thoughts, feelings, and actions and that we should try to have positive and uplifting attitudes. It talks about how important it is to develop gratitude, kindness, love, and other good traits in our daily lives. By doing this, we can create a more peaceful and satisfying life for ourselves and help the people around us.
It's important to remember that the idea of vibrational recurrence is not based on science. Instead, it's a metaphysical or spiritual view. Its use and meaning may be different for different people and belief systems. Still, the message that we should take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, and actions and consciously choose positive vibrations can change our lives for the better.

“The mind is a universe and can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” — John Milton