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ThinkBig ExpandYourMind-SetBigGoals-LimitlessThinking-DreamBig-BelieveInYourself-ThinkBeyondConstraints-EmbraceNewPerspectives-ChallengeYourLimits-GrowBeyondYourComfortZone
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To think big, you have to be creative, have confidence, and be willing to take risks. Here are some things you can do to think big:

Set goals that are hard to reach: Think outside of what you think is possible and set goals that push you to your limits. Don't be afraid to reach for the stars and think big.

Focus on solutions, not problems: When you have problems, you should try to solve them instead of dwelling on them. This can help you think outside the box and more creatively.

Take calculated risks: Don't be afraid to try new things or take risks, but make sure to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Don't be afraid of failing, because it can help you learn important things.

Surround yourself with like-minded people: Surround yourself with people who share your values and goals. This can keep you going and give you ideas.

Learn and grow all the time: keep learning and adding to your skills and knowledge. This can help you come up with new ideas and ways of looking at things and keep you ahead of the curve.

Remember that thinking big is a process and that developing a mindset of abundance and possibility takes time and work. Stay on track, keep yourself motivated, and stay true to your vision.


Here are 5 ways to improve your ability to think outside the box:

  1. Random word stimulation: Choose a word at random and try to figure out how it fits with your problem or challenge. This can help you come up with ideas you hadn't thought of before.

  2. SCAMPER technique: SCAMPER stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to Another Use, Eliminate, and Reverse. This method helps you come up with new ideas by getting you to think of different ways to change or adapt ideas you already have.

  3. Observe and ask questions: Look around you and ask questions about what you see. This can help you find problems or problems you might not have seen before.

  4. Divergent thinking: Divergent thinking is the ability to come up with different ideas or ways to solve a problem. This can be improved by doing things like brainstorming or mind-mapping.

  5. Collaborate with others: Working with people from different backgrounds and points of view can help you see things in a new way and come up with new ideas. This can also help you get better at talking to people and working as a team.

Learning to think outside the box is an ongoing process that needs practice and an open mind. Using these ways to think can help you come up with new and creative ways to deal with problems and challenges.

Also, READ | Do What You Relish


Even though thinking is a useful way to solve problems and make decisions, there are limits to how we think. Here are some of the things that thinking can't do:

  1. Cognitive biases: These are systematic errors in the way we think that can cause us to make irrational decisions or judgements. They can affect the way we think.

  2. Limited knowledge: We can only think as far as the information and knowledge we have. If we don't know enough about a subject, it can be hard to make decisions that are in our best interests.

  3. Emotional factors: Emotional things like fear, anger, or excitement can change the way we think. These feelings can make it hard for us to make decisions that are in our best interests.

  4. Mental models: The mental models or frameworks we use to understand the world shape the way we think. These mental models can stop us from seeing things from other points of view or coming up with other solutions.

  5. Time limits: Time limits can make it hard to think of new ideas. When we are rushed to make a decision, we might not have time to get all the information we need or think about all the options.

  6. Cultural and societal factors: Norms, values, and beliefs are examples of cultural and societal factors that can affect how we think. These things can make it hard for us to think outside of the box and come up with new ideas.

Understanding the limits of thinking can help us figure out when these things might be affecting our thinking and take steps to get around them. By being aware of these limits, we can learn to solve problems and make decisions in a more critical and open-minded way.


Taking your thoughts to a higher level typically involves a process of analysis, reflection, and transformation. Here are some steps you can take to help elevate your thinking:

  1. Awareness: The first step is to become aware of your thoughts and the patterns they follow. This involves paying attention to your internal dialogue and questioning the assumptions that underlie your beliefs.

  2. Analysis: Once you are aware of your thought patterns, you can begin to analyze them. This involves breaking down your thoughts into their component parts and examining them critically.

  3. Reflection: Reflection is the process of considering your thoughts and their implications. This involves thinking deeply about the underlying meaning of your thoughts and considering alternative perspectives.

  4. Transformation: The final step is to transform your thoughts by synthesizing new insights and integrating them into your worldview. This may involve letting go of old beliefs that no longer serve you and adopting new perspectives that align with your values.

Taking your thoughts to a higher level requires a commitment to personal growth and a willingness to challenge your assumptions and beliefs. With practice, you can cultivate a more expansive and nuanced way of thinking that allows you to navigate life's challenges with greater clarity and wisdom.


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